The 4 Golden Rules of Working From Home

The 4 Golden Rules of Working From Home

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At first, working from home feels like a luxury – who wouldn’t want to work in their pjs?! But actually, “all day, all night” pajamas do not encourage the best work habits. It blurs the line between work-life and life-life. That blurriness then makes you less focused and productive for work-time, and keeps you from ever feeling like you’re away from work.


As a work-from-home veteran (in my pre-interior-design life I held a full-time remote position in the corporate world) I’m here to share the four golden rules of working from home. These key ground rules have always helped me stay productive, balanced and happy. They help me separate my work-from-home life from my live-at-home life.

RULE #1: ABC: Always Be Clothed!

The first golden rule of successfully working from home: get dressed!

It’s fun to be in video conference calls with a nice button-down shirt and sweatpants (because “no one knows what you’re actually wearing” lol). Unfortunately, it violates my number one rule for working from home. To be at my best I *must* change out of those PJs. I need to get into clothes that say “I’m a productive professional.”

If you feel comfortable getting all dolled up, go for it! But “business casual” is usually enough to get your momentum going. Try putting on a pair of good jeans and a comfortable but not-overly-casual top. Ladies, a pair of earrings or lipstick can really add that next level of polish. Gentlemen… please shave. 😀 You’ll likely find your mind instantly feels sharper and more focused.

It’s a mindset

Really, the ritual of getting dressed isn’t about the clothes – it’s about the mindset. Getting dressed means this day is meant for something wonderful. The ritual creates structure that helps us get into the right headspace. It prepares us for any unknowns that may come our way, and helps us focus and use our time productively!

Bonus: It also means I’m ready in case I need to run out quickly or meet with someone last minute via video!


RULE #2: The Home Office: Create A dedicated Work Zone for Yourself

The second golden rule of successfully working from home is: create a dedicated work space!

Mixing up your work-space and life-space can create some bad work habits. Much as you like to tell yourself you are productive working from home, that too-comfy sofa in front of the TV may keep you from doing your best work.

To be more productive, carve out a dedicated space in your home for work. Not only will you focus better, it also helps create a distinct line between work-time and home-time. Want to see some of the creative spaces folks are carving out of their homes during this unusual time? Check out this fun showcase CNN Business put together!

Tiny spaces can still work!

Of course it’s easy to create a work zone when you have the physical space, but what if you live in a small apartment? Or what if you live in a house overrun with kids stuck at home from school?

When I worked at that corporate work-from-home job I lived in a tiny studio apartment. Working full time from a small space had its challenges, but getting this small desk to stick in the corner made all the difference! Not only did I have a tabletop to work from, but I *only* used it while doing paid-for work. That helped me create good work-related productivity habits, and also meant I could feel good about not “being at work” when I wasn’t sitting there.

Need something even smaller for your space? C-Tables like this one from Room and Board are small enough to fit just about anywhere! Petite, functional *and* stylish!

Want to see the tiny bedroom desk where our founder Rebecca got her start? Check out this fun post!

Work with what you’ve got

Maybe you aren’t ready to get a new desk setup. Maybe you just need to make what you’ve got work for you. Try working from one consistent seat in your house (note: not your bed!). Maybe always sit in the same chair in your dining room when working. Or tuck yourself into the comfy chair in the guest room. Just find a way to create some structure to help get you through the day, and separate work from life!


Finally, you can also create some “space” just by plugging in some headphones. Even if you aren’t playing any music it can muffle some of the noise around you, help you focus, and signal to your family that you are “plugged in” and not to be disturbed. 🤓


RULE #3: Set & Maintain Boundaries

working from home

The third golden rule of successfully working from home is: have boundaries and schedule in breaks!

When working from home it’s waaaay too easy to work through lunch. It’s also way too easy to sleep in, start late, and then work all hours of the evening. Instead, create good habits: start your workday on time (dressed in real clothes – see tip #1!), schedule in breaks when needed, and end your day on time! Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you should put in ridiculous hours. Clock in, clock out, just like regular working folk.

Speaking of other working folks, if you’re using Microsoft Teams, Google Hangout or any other version of virtual platform, you may struggle with the fact that your coworkers can ping you at *any second of the day*. While constant communication can be helpful, it can also be really distracting! To mitigate that in my own work life, I mark off about an hour on my calendar every day that I can use to focus without interruption. I turn off (or ignore) all incoming emails, calls, or app notifications. I’ve found that not only does that help set healthy boundaries, but my coworkers appreciate the clarity and know when they can – and can’t – get ahold of me! (PS, if *you* tend to expect insta-answers from your colleagues, try to be conscious of their time too.)

RULE #4: Listen to Your Body!

working from home

The fourth and final golden rule of successfully working from home is: get up and move!

As more and more of our work moves to our computer and cell phone screens, it’s *extremely* important to make sure you listen to the little signals your body gives you throughout the day. Maybe you’re noticing that you have to squint a little more often due to eye strain. Or maybe you’re working from your couch and your back is starting to hurt from using your coffee table as a desk for the past week or so.

When these feelings pop up, it’s important to address them right away! Make sure you look away from your screen every once in a while! Plan in time to stretch every few hours. Take a walk around your home or, better, around the block! If you’re feeling stuck or just need a change of scenery, getting a breath of fresh air can help you clear your mind. Even if you only take five minutes, carving out a bit of time to stretch your legs can do wonders for your health, happiness, and good work habits.

working from home with small desk and cat

(Pssst, did you notice the theme in this post – there’s a cat here too! Do you see him?) 😀


Whether you work from home regularly, or you’re just temporarily adapting to a #coronavirus #newnormal, try putting these ground rules in place. You just might find that you feel better, work faster, and live happier!

Need a little help creating a great work-from-home zone? Reach out to us and we can help you design your own work-from-home heaven in a Virtual Design Helpline session. We can’t wait to answer your home-office related questions!


May your home (And your office setup) always be happy!

Rebecca West, Interior Designer Seattle

I’m an interior designer, author, podcaster, speaker, and coach to other designers. (Whew!) But I’m not your classic interior designer because, frankly, I don’t care if you buy a new sofa. I do care if your home supports your goals and feels like “you.” Remember, happy starts at home!

Are you ready for a seriously happy home?

(Cue the confetti!)

10 practical tips for making your home happier now

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