Dreaming of an kitchen island – will it fit in your kitchen?

Dreaming of an kitchen island – will it fit in your kitchen?

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Seems like everyone dreams of an island in their kitchen. Will a kitchen island fit into your new space? Maybe. Here are some basic guidelines for figuring out if you have the room (it all comes down to the measurements).

You need space to work

Really, it all comes down to the walkways. In general, you want 42″ of space between one counter edge and the other. This gives two people enough room to work in the space together, and pass by each other comfortably. Can you get away with less? Of course, but it *will* feel tight, so if you are seriously considering tighter aisles, I strongly recommend you tape off the space where you plan to put the island, and try walking around it for a few days as you use your kitchen normally. Even better, use boxes or a table to create an actual barrier in your kitchen. If you keep crossing into the taped-off space, or running into the boxes, rethink if it’s going to be a comfortable fit.


Yes! While I really like to see 42″ of space from counter to counter, if your island is going to be by a walkway, the walkway only needs to be 36″ wide, the standard for any hallway. We faced that situation when we designed the kitchen below. The client really wanted an eat-in island and we had just enough room for a 42″ aisle on the working side, and a 36″ aisle on the walking side.

kitchen island

We didn’t want the stools to crowd the walkway, so we suggested slim, backless stools to help it feel as open as possible.

kitchen island

Don’t have the space, but really want an island?

If you don’t have the room for a standard island, it’s okay to think a little smaller. Will a mobile island work well in your space? (Remember that if you truly want it to be mobile, you’ll need a space where it can live when it is not in the middle of your room.)

kitchen island

You might also be able to fit something slender. If you are considering a slim island, I recommend finding a way to give it a trial run – will an 18″ counter surface be a useful workspace in your kitchen, or just get in the way? Every kitchen, and family, is unique in their needs and habits.

kitchen island

In the end, if you really don’t have the room for an island (nor the budget to put an addition on your house, or the space to steal from another room), my pro advice is usually that you skip it. Better to have a comfortable work space than to cram something in and make the room feel crowded.

May your home always be happy!! 

Rebecca West, Interior Designer Seattle

I’m an interior designer, author, podcaster, speaker, and coach to other designers. (Whew!) But I’m not your classic interior designer because, frankly, I don’t care if you buy a new sofa. I do care if your home supports your goals and feels like “you.” Remember, happy starts at home!

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